Groundbreaking Ceremony at Waddesdon School
13 March 2024
Groundbreaking ceremony at Waddesdon School marks the start of construction work on the state-of-the-art Jacob Rothschild Sixth Form Centre.
It all started back in February 2022 as the long-standing relationship between the school and the Rothschild Foundation evolved into the vision of the future Sixth Form Centre. It is now named in memory of Lord Jacob Rothschild, businessman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and cultural leader. Lord Rothschild has been a champion for Buckinghamshire and a firm believer in education as the foundation for the future, therefore it is only fitting that since his recent passing the school should be naming the building in his honour. This project offers children a chance for a brighter future and the family motto of harmony, industry and integrity sits well with the values for this new Sixth Form Centre.
Thanks to the work of the grants team at the Rothschild Foundation, and Buckinghamshire Council who have secured ‘section 106’ funding for this project, current and future students at Waddesdon School will be able to step into the Jacob Rothschild Sixth Form Centre in January, 2025.
The school’s firmly held conviction that true education should enable a young person to flourish academically, socially, and emotionally has guided the conceptualisation and design of the new build. The collaborative work areas, performance space, innovation and enterprise lab and reflection space will enable Waddesdon students to grow individually as well as contributing proactively and positively to society more widely.
Partners in this ambitious vision for 16-19 education include the Education and Learning Team at Waddesdon Manor, the Waddesdon Estate Team and Westcott Venture Park. Thanks to these collaborations, the students will have the opportunity to explore cutting edge approaches to culture and heritage, environmental sustainability, and biodiversity, as well as apprenticeships in the UK space industry.
Matthew Abbott, Headteacher at Waddesdon CE School, says, “This is an amazing opportunity for our students and the wider community made possible by the energetic work of a collection of a committed group of people. We are delighted to be working so closely with the Rothschild Foundation and Local Authority and thank them for their belief in this project and their support.
I would also like to thank the wider Waddesdon community for their support, including the local council, multiple partners in Waddesdon village, parents and families and our alumni. To borrow a phrase from Margaret Mead, I am in no doubt that a group of thoughtful and committed people can change the world for the better – in fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Hannah Rothschild, Chair – Rothschild Foundation, says: “Nothing is more inspiring, empowering and liberating than a good education. Learning gives us the courage to take off, the wings to fly and the wisdom to choose the right flight path. Under Matthew Abbott’s leadership, Waddesdon school has gone from strength to strength and is recognised by Ofsted as ‘outstanding’. My father Jacob, a resident of Waddesdon, was justifiably proud of this school’s achievements. One of the last recommendations he made as chair of the Rothschild Foundation was to gift this building and his family are so proud it will bear his name.”
Joseph Baum is Buckinghamshire Council’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services. He says: “This is an important project for Buckinghamshire as it helps us to meet the need for more school places across our county. We are committed to supporting all of our schools and continuing to secure investment in our children’s education. Schemes like this demonstrate that commitment and show how Buckinghamshire children can access high quality facilities and resources for their learning.”