
Our 2023/24 Grants Review

24 May 2024

We have recently published our most recent review of grants awarded by the Rothschild Foundation. Alongside its care and management of Waddesdon Manor, near Aylesbury Buckinghamshire, the Rothschild Foundation operates a grants programme for the charity sector. This review covers the activity that the Foundation has supported from March 2023 – February 2024 as well as highlighting examples of the impact that funded activities are having in each of the Foundation’s priorities. A detailed review of activity at Waddesdon can be found in Waddesdon Manor’s Annual Review

The Rothschild Foundation’s programme of grant-giving is rooted in the Rothschild family traditions of passionate engagement with the arts and the natural world, and good citizenship in its home county of Buckinghamshire. Grants awarded contributed to ongoing themes of artistic excellence and access to the arts by reaffirming established relationships and initiating new activity with organisations not previously funded by the Rothschild Foundation. An exciting development arose with long-standing grantee Art History Link-up, using the Collection at Waddesdon Manor to inform a programme of Art History engagement for GCSE students from local Buckinghamshire schools. A further four years of funding to the National Gallery demonstrated the type of longer term, flexible funding that the Foundation understands is so important to the sustainability of the charity sector.

Read the full review here.