
Bite Back News

25 July 2024

Supported by the Rothschild Foundation since 2021, Bite Back recently hosted two events at Waddesdon to celebrate their progress in healthy eating projects, led by young activists and students.

In July, we welcomed more than 100 students from the Kingsbrook School, Aylesbury High, Sir William Ramsay, the Mandeville School, Beaconsfield School and Sir Henry Floyd to the Dairy. Each school had established a School Food Champions group which set out their plans to increase healthy options in their canteens. Students presented their campaigns for better access to drinking water (rather than bottled, sugary and expensive alternatives) and requests for healthier ‘grab and go’ options for busy lunchtimes. They reflected on their discussions with Headteachers and catering contractors which illuminated the cost and logistics of feeding a whole school. Bite Back has not only launched School Food Champions groups, but also delivered whole school assemblies and curriculum linked projects. Schools have also been supported to deliver audits and toolkits for healthier eating.

Later in the same month, Bite Back’s attention turned from consumers to leading food businesses as they hosted a Business Accelerator at Windmill Hill in Waddesdon. They brought together twelve businesses from across the UK’s leading food retailers, manufacturers to progress a heathier offer for consumers.  The meeting focused on feedback from Bite Back’s youth activists and a detailed scoping session to shape the healthy and sustainable food agenda for the new Government.

The youth activists, Clemmie, Becky and Thomas, prioritised ending advertising of unhealthy food and drink. They used the opportunity to challenge the businesses on their marketing practices and tactics. The young people shared their feedback about the event and said they left feeling positive and energised to keep campaigning.

Bite Back is a youth activist movement focused on improved nutrition and child health. The Rothschild Foundation is pleased to support their work with young people who are leading change in the food system, and to host them at Waddesdon as a place to debate and shape the future of food.