Sustainable Food Systems
Sustainable Food Systems
We advocate for a joined up approach which brings people and organisations together in order to take action towards a food system fit for the future. Approaching food as a system demonstrates the connection between food, health, community, social equity, the environment and economic prosperity. With our funding we want to contribute towards building a system around food that remains sustainable for future generations

With our funding we want to contribute towards building a system around food that remains sustainable for future generations
Our priorities
Up until 2025 our funding will focus on supporting activity which contributes to the following priorities:
- Healthy Food for All: Activity that tackles food insecurity and increases access to affordable, healthy food in Buckinghamshire.
- Food for the Planet: Activity that tackles the climate and nature emergency through sustainable food and farming and an end to food waste.
- Good Food Movement: Activity that builds public awareness, active food citizenship and a local good food movement in Buckinghamshire.
As part of your application you will be asked to describe how your organisation or activity contributes to one or more of these priorities.
We are more interested in a really good idea or approach to a particular priority than the number of priorities you are addressing. For more information on the type of activity we want to fund please read the guidance below ‘What we look for in applications’.
We want to support organisations that genuinely share these priorities and are interested in working with us to deliver long-term positive change. You can find out more information on our journey so far below.
For more information on the type of activity we want to fund please read the guidance below ‘What we look for in applications’.