Sharing our Learning
We make a commitment to continuing learning through our grant programmes. It informs our approach as a responsive funder and supports organisations addressing the complex issues faced by communities today. We gather knowledge through reports submitted by funded organisations and also tailored evaluations and research relating to the Foundation’s priority areas of interest. Applicants to our funding programmes should be reassured that our reporting is not burdensome. We will clarify what reporting is required from the outset of the grant and will only ask for the information we need.
We want to share our learning with the wider charitable sector and other funders to contribute to a mutually beneficial conversation. The Rothschild Foundation is a founding partner in the Bucks Data Exchange, an open-access platform containing the latest insights about Buckinghamshire and links to useful external resources. We believe that better use of data can strengthen our decision making and investments, and support our charity partners to be even more effective and joined up. Here you’ll find reflections from our learning journey.
Learning from our 2023 Grantee and Applicant Survey

Here we reflect on our most recent applicant and grantee survey, where we asked both successful and unsuccessful applicants from June 2018 to June 2023 to talk to us about their experiences of applying to us. This anonymous survey was completed in August 2023.
Learning from our Covid-19 Support Fund

Here we reflect on our action to address the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. We share which groups benefited from the Rothschild Foundation’s funding and what we learnt about the needs of organisations and the communities they serve. We reflect on how the pandemic changed our practise as a funder, and where we can continue to build on this as we face the cost of living crisis.
Open Data

The Rothschild Foundation is committed to transparency in our grant-making and we work with 360Giving to publish information about our grants.