Local and Community Insights

Local and Community Insights

Since the Local and Community programme was launched in 2018, more than 100 grants of up to £5,000 were made. Total investment through Local and Community grants was £510,000.

From our data, we have assessed that around 14,000 people have benefitted from this funding. Grants have supported organisations working with all age-groups from early years to the elderly.

Grants have supported organisations working with all age-groups.

We will continue to cater for a broad age range within our Community grant-making. More targeted activity will focus on 16 to 24 year olds through our Strategic Fund. The pandemic has had a disproportionately negative impact on this age group, due to disruption to education and growing levels of youth unemployment, so we aim to take a more focused approach to address their needs in future.

Working across Buckinghamshire

We want to be sure our support is reaching organisations which are working with more vulnerable groups across Buckinghamshire. The Local and Community Fund supported organisations across a wide area.

We are committed to extending our reach and welcome applications from across Buckinghamshire where there is clear evidence of need. We work with local stakeholders through Buckinghamshire Strategic Funders Group and Voluntary Sector Partnership Board to ensure we engage with a wide range of organisations.

We are working with partners to ensure that data informs our approach so that we are better equipped to target pockets of acute need wherever they are found in Buckinghamshire. You can read further about the research we commissioned through New Philanthropic Capital here: NPC Coordination in Place.

We are also committed to extending our reach and welcome applications from across the county where there is clear evidence of need.

Local and Community – Covid-19 Response:

Our Local and Community programme adapted to meet the needs of grantees during the coronavirus pandemic. We agreed project-focused grants could meet core costs or could be spent over a longer timeframe when needed. You can read about Local and Community grantee ToolShed here.

Funded organisations responded flexibly, often moving delivery online and adapting services to maintain a connection with communities they support.  We have put learning about the value of more long-term, flexible and core funding at the centre of our new Community Fund.

Please click for further information on our Community Fund and Strategic Fund.

We have put learning about the value of more long-term, flexible and core funding at the centre of our Community Fund.